How to Combine Strength and Cardio Training
Things You'll Need
- Free weights
- Weight plates
- Good shoes
- Water
Holsters: Get two dumbbells of moderately light weight (about half of what you normally curl is ideal for this). You'll need a big space to work for this exercise. Hold the dumbbells at your hips, with your elbows pointed back, not out to the sides.Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Start to shuffle (side step) to one side. Shuffle with quick, short steps and never let your feet cross. Stay on the balls of your feet and keep your balance.As you shuffle across, shoot your arms up until your hands are out in front of you. Your elbows should still be bent, and you'll lift your arms straight up. Make sure your don't just lift your arms, but shoot them into position quickly. And then bring them back down.Continue like that until you have shuffled back and forth a total of five times. Take a 30 second rest period and then continue to do two more sets.
Layups. Grab two dumbbells, slightly heavier than the ones you used for “holsters”, but still considerably less than you curl. Again you'll need a large space for this.Jump off of your right foot and raise your left hand straight up over your head. While you jump make sure your right hand stays down at your side and that you raise your left knee. Land on both feet, take three steps and then do the other foot/hand.You'll be moving forward this whole drill, so find some open space. This can even be done outdoors.You'll want to do three sets of 10 in this drill.
Suicides: We all know the traditional suicide drill, where you sprint five yards and turn around and sprint back. Then you sprint 10 yards and back. Then you sprint 15 and back.This drill is very similar to that, except you'll be bringing back free weights to the starting line. You should try to use the weight plates that go on the end of bars that way you can hold it out in front of you with both hands as your sprinting back with it. Make sure the plates are centered in front of your torso to avoid straining your back.Do six sets of this exercise for the best results.
Speed squats: Squats are a good way to work your quads, hamstrings, glutes and lower back. But if you lower your weight and do them as quick as you can, while maintaining the proper form, you'll see some tremendous results.If you do speed squats at your normal weight, you can hurt your knees and back, so make sure you're lifting less weight, and double the amount of reps you do in your set. Do three sets of 16-20 depending on physical ability.
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