How to Diet Like Oprah
Things You'll Need
- Bob Green's Best Life Diet book.
- Balanced foods recommended by Bob Green.
- Quantum Wellness book.
- Cleansing foods like nuts, quinoa, tofu and fruits.
Get Her Diet
Stop eating after 7 pm at night, which is one of the rules Oprah abides by without fail. A formerly avid nighttime snacker, Oprah realized that simply stopping visits to the kitchen after evening hours helped her maintain a slimmer size.
Start Bob Green’s “The Best Life Diet” and follow his eating advice. Oprah truly began the road to balanced weight loss after hiring Bob Green has a personal wellness coach, and you can steal the same tricks from his dietary book and accompanying journal.
Avoid any “white foods” that contain white or processed ingredients, such as white flour, breads, sugars and salt. Oprah began shunning white foods and choosing whole-grain carbohydrates, brown rice and plentiful protein instead.
Follow the 21 day detox located in the book “Quantum Wellness,” which Oprah turns to whenever needing to lean out and refocus her dietary plan. By eliminating sources of gluten, sugar, alcohol, caffeine and all meat products, Oprah is able to understand what foods her body truly needs and which she really enjoys.
Eliminate meat products from your diet like Oprah, a self processed meat lover, even if it seems impossible at first. Oprah managed to choose vegetarian meat substitutes (like fake bacon and sausage), beans, nuts, seeds and tofu instead of dairy, eggs or meat.