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How to Maintain a High Metabolism
Everyone is genetically predisposed to have a particular metabolism speed. Some can eat anything they want and never gain a pound. Others have to watch what they eat every day, and those people still struggle with weight. Metabolism is to blame. While you may not have the fastest metabolism, you can maximize it's potential. There are certain things you can do to increase your metabolism and maintain it at a high level. This guide will help you increase your metabolism to better manage your weight.Instructions
Lift weights. Weight training is essential for maintaining a high metabolism. Aerobics simply is not enough.
Eat small meals every three hours. If you prevent your blood sugar from spiking, you will keep your metabolism going strong.
Drink at least six glasses of water per day. If you don't get enough fluids, your body could go into survival mode and dramatically slow your metabolism.
Get plenty of rest. Experts recommend eight hours of sleep per night.
Eat breakfast. As soon as you eat in the morning your metabolism begins to kick into gear. Don't wait until lunch to start your engine.