How to Balance Protein on the Atkins Diet
How to Balance Protein on the Atkins Diet
During the two-week first phase, called Induction, eat 20g of net carbohydrates each day, balanced with protein. Your carbohydrates will be derived from salad and non-starchy vegetables. This will allow your body to burn more fat. Some good proteins to try are all kinds of fish, poultry, shellfish, meat (including beef, pork lamb, bacon) and eggs.
Phase 2 is the Ongoing Weight Loss Phase. You can now eat 25 Net Carbs daily. Gradually, you will increase your carb allowance by 5 g increments per week until your weight loss slows down. Stay in phase 2 until you are 5-10 pounds within your weight loss goal. You can continue eating as much meat, fish, shellfish, and eggs as you want. Now you can balance them with three cups of salad and other vegetables.
Phase 3 is called Pre-maintenance. Each week in pre-maintenance, you will increase your carbohydrate intake by 10 g. Continue this phase until you get down to your desired weight and maintain it for a month. You can now balance your protein-heavy meals with carb-loaded foods such as fruit, grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables.
Phase 4 is for Lifetime Maintenance of your healthy new weight. Now, for the rest of your life, you ‘ll want to limit your carbohydrate intake to your Atkins Carbohydrate Equilibrium (ACE). Your ACE is the number of daily carbohydrates that it took you to maintain your desired weight for 1 month in phase 3. Continue eating plenty of protein, balanced with fat and a limited amount of fruit, grains, legumes, and vegetables. Don’t get caught with the nighttime pint of ice cream or candy bar. The Atkins diet is your life!
Make it fun. Experiment with Atkins recipes and tasty prepared foods. Check out the Atkins website for more details.