How to Compare NutriSystem Vs. Jenny Craig
Both the Jenny Craig and the NutriSystem diets are complete turnkey diets. All meals are prepared and all you have to do is heat them up. The caloric and nutritional values are already figured for you. Each diet encourages either online counseling or going into one of their centers.
These types of diets can be a little bit more costly. For Jenny Craig meals it is going to run you about $65 a week for the cheapest membership. For Nutrisystem, it will cost you about $54 and you can save a little bit more if you sign up for an auto ship. It is possible to spend over $400 a month with either plan.
Both companies claim that you will lose a steady 1 to 2 pounds per week. This is a nice steady pace as losing weight too fast can cause a rapid weight gain once off of the plans.
Do you really need to go to either one of these plans? It really depends on you and your lifestyle. If you do not want to plan meals, weigh things out or worry about caloric intake, then you need to go to one of these plans. If you don't mind a little extra work, then you are quite capable of doing your diet all on your own.