How to Work Out Without Equipment

Working out without equipment can seem quite challenging. Whether you want to look or feel better, chances are that you may have considered joining a gym or buying equipment. This can become expensive in a hurry, though. The truth is that you can get in shape without using any equipment whatsoever. Here is how to work out without equipment.


    • 1

      Jog or walk outside for your cardiovascular workout. This is much more enjoyable than simply running on a treadmill. You can enjoy the outdoors and even workout with a friend or loved one. If the outdoor conditions are a bit harsh for you, consider shadow boxing inside your home. Shadow boxing is an excellent cardiovascular workout and you need zero equipment in order to do it.

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      Do stomach crunches, reverse crunches and other abdominal workouts in your home. There are plenty of ab workout machines or other pieces of equipment out on the market. The fact is that all you really need to work your abdominal muscles is a carpet or mat.

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      Strengthen your chest and arms by doing push-ups at least once a day. The push-up is one of the most fundamental exercises and requires no equipment whatsoever. You can do push-ups in your home anytime of day in any room where you can extend your body on the ground.

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      Work out your calf muscles during the day with simple calf raises. To do this simple exercise, simply stand straight and then raise yourself up to your toes (or as high as you can go). Then, slowly lower yourself without allowing your heels to touch the floor. Do 50 of these at a time throughout the day and your calf muscles will grow in a hurry.

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      Use squats to strengthen your upper legs. Spread your legs so that your feet are about 20 inches apart from one another. Place your arms either at your side or your hands on your hips and simply bend your knees so that your kneecaps are equal to your toes (except in the air, of course). Once again, do about 50 of these at a time during the day and you'll be feeling it.

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      Improve your flexibility by stretching for at least 20-30 minutes at home each day. There are numerous stretches you can do while either standing or sitting on your floor. Be sure to stretch your entire body, including arms, legs and back.

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      Stand more when at home. The fact is that many people are out of shape due to sitting on the couch while watching TV or using the computer. During a 30 minute sitcom, for example, remain standing and even shuffle your feet back and forth. You may feel somewhat silly but this simple activity is much better than sitting at home for hours at a time.

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