Simple Exercise Tips
Always do exercises that you enjoy. If you find an exercise you like, stick with it. You will be more motivated to exercise if you enjoy what you are doing.
Never purchase any exercise equipment that you really don't see yourself using. Many people purchase treadmills, and only end up using them for a short time after the purchase. Don't throw your money away--be sure you will get a lot of use out of equipment before you buy.
Make time in your day for exercise. If you never make the time, you will never have the time--but if you make a schedule and stick with it, you will start to feel like your day is incomplete if you don't get your exercise in.
Get Energized
Exercise will energize the body. Most people exercise in the morning and find they have more energy throughout the day. Experiment with what time of day works best for you.
Warm Up
Always warm up before you exercise--for a moderate workout, a five- to ten-minute warmup is sufficient. If you don't warm up, you can pull a muscle or damage tissue. Do some jumping jacks or walk at a moderate or brisk pace for five minutes.
Variety Beyond Sports
You don't have to be into sports to get a workout. You can play a game of tennis, do yoga, go swimming or simply work a little longer in the garden. Also try building extra movement into your normal day--if you're going shopping, park in the farthest parking spot and walk farther than normal. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk your dog around the block instead of around your yard. Doing a little extra everyday will go a long way.
Doing some simple stretches before and after a workout will also go a long way to help reduce aches and pains. Stretching can also help you avoid getting stiff if you spend a lot of time sitting. People with desk jobs and who sit all day can simply stretch their arms and legs to keep from getting stiff. It can also give you a quick energy boost.
Keep Your Exercise Basic
Don't overdo it. Keep your exercise basic. If you can't run or jog, try walking at a fast pace. If you can't do push-ups, try them with your knees resting on the ground.
Whatever exercise you try, start at the level that's right for you. If you get discouraged, you will end up quitting. Find what works for you and stick with it.
When using weights, keep it simple. Never lift, pull, or push more than you feel comfortable with. If you exceed your abilities, you can pull a muscle or hurt your back. Always play it safe when using any weights or exercise equipment.
Eat Right
Always eat right. A proper diet has a lot to do with staying healthy. If you don't get all the nutrients you need, exercise will not be as beneficial to you as it could be. As a starting point, eat plenty of fresh vegetables and whole grains, and avoid processed foods as much as possible. These do not provide adequate nutrition and are high in salt, fat and sugar, which add to weight gain.
Your muscles need rest too. Be sure to rest enough between exercises. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. You are more likely to have a better workout--or to exercise at all--if you are well-rested.
Wear clothing and shoes that are comfortable. Avoid baggy clothing that will flop around and be in your way, and try wearing snugger-fitting clothes. If exercising outside, make sure to check the weather before going out--you don't want to be caught too cold, or so hot that you want to shed clothes and have nowhere to put them. Also make sure your shoes fit well, give proper support and are in good shape.