How to Work Out Daily
Things You'll Need
- Athletic Shoes
- Loose Fitting Clothing
- Stairs
- Parking Lot
- Sidewalks or Side streets
- Free Weights
- Exercise Bands
- Yoga or Exercise DVD
- Bicycle
- Ball
- Jump rope
Get up early and see if you can pop in a DVD quickly before everyone wakes up or you have to go off to work. This will help you stick to your daily work out routine. The more the day wastes away, the less likely you are to work out. Performing daily morning exercise is also good for boosting and maintaining your metabolism throughout your busy day. Yoga is a good work out choice that helps you face your daily stress in a better way.
If you are not an early riser or cannot see your way to doing daily DVD exercise, consider doing sit ups, push ups or calisthenics immediately after getting out of bed. They do not take up a lot of room and can boost energy. It will also help you face the tension of the day and tone your body. You can do the same mini work out just before retiring for the evening.
Gather friends or neighbors during lunch and bring your weights. Or, a stroller can serve as resistance and weight to help you work out. Kids are always welcome. You will catch up, time will fly and before you know it you may have walked a couple miles. If you are brave, you can make this work at the zoo, a museum, downtown or at a mall.
Get out and ride your bicycle around the neighborhood or on a path with your family. While simple, you must work up to different challenges, such as hills. You do not have to be in the best of shape to start and can set time limits. You can have a leisure ride under your belt in less than 20 minutes and it tones your entire lower half while conditioning your heart and lungs.
Have work out, will travel. If your workplace has a workout room or gym nearby, great, you can use that a few times a week. If they do not, consider the stairs instead of the elevator (both ways). Also, park your car in a nearby lot or faraway place. If work is close enough, consider walking or biking. Stretch at your desk and use the small hand weights or wear ankle or wrist weights and hide them under clothing. This will truly make every step and move count. Use resistance bands and weights during lunch, on breaks or under your desk when no one is looking. Tighten your bottom, stand up and stretch and breathe deeply throughout the day. No one will even know you are trying to stay in shape.
When you are at home, consider jumping rope or playing any type of ball with the kids. In the summer, do not just watch by the side, but jump in the pool with them for lots of results with minimal work!
If you work from home or are on the computer frequently, replace your chair for up to an hour with a stability ball to work those muscles without effort or hassle.