How to Maintain Weight Loss
You may have been on a weight loss journey for so long you do not really have an idea of how many calories you need to be taking in. Find out either on the Internet or go to a local Weight Watchers meeting to seek out guidance.
Get an idea of how many calories you are now burning. Realize those numbers will be much less than when you were losing weight. Strap on a pedometer, aim for 10K to 15K steps per day. An ideal pedometer will tell you how many calories you've burned as well. Do not get discouraged if it is not what you had hoped for.
You can add activity and movement to your day by taking the stairs, parking far away and walking around your home or neighborhood. If you work a full day, take some of your work pals on a walk at lunchtime. Also, find an exercise class or gym you enjoy. If you do not have time or money for that, try roller blading or biking outside with your friends or children.
Want to maintain firmness and the boost of energy and metabolism you are experiencing? Try doing at least five different yoga poses per day. Check out a book or DVD from the library or store. Realize that doing even a little bit will help you be stronger in the future and maintain what you have built up.
Weigh yourself each week, but realize the scale does not tell the full story. How your clothes are fitting will be the most truthful opinion you are getting.
When you have all the information for your height, weight and activity level, plug it in on the computer to see how many calories and the level of activity you need to pack into your day. If you miss a day, week or two weeks of activity, just dive right back into it. The same goes if you blow your new diet; just get back to it. Allow yourself a few cheats a week if you are craving them.
Experiment with new and different foods. Do not go back to eating the way you did before you lost the weight. If you need cooking ideas, head to your local library and check out books or go online to weight loss websites. Low cal recipes are plentiful there.
Ward off binge eating and temptations at night by taking snacks such as apples, almonds, carrots, bars and raisins with you during the day. Keep a bottle of water handy as well.
Avoid eating after a certain set time; ideally this would be two full hours before bedtime. This will allow you to digest food and sleep better as well.
When you dine out, consider sharing a meal. Most portion sizes are too large for one person and have almost three meals packed into them. Also, skip the bread basket if you can. Resist social pressures to eat and insist on others respecting your new way of life and eating habits.