How to Lower Body Mass Index
Things You'll Need
- Food scale
- Set of weights
Create a diet plan. Most obese people consume far more calories than they need to survive, and the excess calories are stored in the body as fat. Begin by lowering your calorie intake to under 2,000, and make sure to count calories by using a food scale and a calorie counter. You can find an easy-to-use calorie counter at Google (see Resources below).
Make a regular exercise plan and follow it. Exercise consumes calories and raises the body's metabolism, making it burn calories even when not exercising. Make sure to exercise for at least half an hour each day in order to keep the body's metabolism going strong, and include weight lifting to lower your body mass index number faster.
Become more active in your lifestyle. Most people have a sedentary life where the most activity they do is type or hit buttons on a video game controller, which leads to a high body mass index numbers and obesity. Be different--walk to nearby stores instead of driving to them, and take the stairs instead of the elevator in order to keep lowering your body mass index.
Keep yourself motivated. People adjust mentally to new habits and lifestyle changes after about 2 weeks, so it is important to not be discouraged. Weigh yourself every week, have friends check in with you to monitor your progress, and don't be discouraged if you hit a plateau. Lowering your body mass index is a long-term project.
Stick to the changes you make. After lowering your body mass index number to the ideal range, the temptation to revert back to some old habits will make itself known. Resist that urge, It could lead to gaining the weight back, a phenomenon known as "yo-yoing," and the stress that puts on the body can lead to strokes, heart attacks and lower life expectancy.