How to Avoid High Calorie Foods
Things You'll Need
- Calorie counter book
- Fresh fruit and vegetables
Learn what foods contain the most calories. Greasy foods and sugary processed foods are generally high in calories. Check the nutrition labels on products or look up the information in a calorie counter book such as "The Ultimate Calorie Counter" by Sheila Buff at Amazon (see Resources below).
Make your shopping list of low-calorie foods prior to a trip to the grocery store. Stick with what you have written down. Avoid the soft drink aisle and the one containing cookies and crackers, if possible.
Choose fresh foods from the produce, meat and dairy departments for the majority of your purchases. These foods tend to have to be lower in calories and more nutritious than processed, canned and frozen foods.
Read the nutrition labels on foods carefully. The number of calories listed is generally "per serving," not for the entire package.
Make substitutions for the high calorie culprits in your diet. Enjoy the crunch of rice cakes, pickles and firm apples instead of potato chips. Trade high calorie cookies and cakes for more diet-friendly sweets like light yogurts and sugar-free puddings and gelatins.
Pack your lunches and snacks and bring them to work. This will help you avoid the high calorie offerings in vending machines and the fattening treats brought in by coworkers.
Enjoy your favorite foods while dieting by preparing them in lower calorie ways. For example, use low-fat cheese on a thin crust pizza. Make it hearty by adding peppers, onions and chunks of tomato instead of high calorie meats like pepperoni and sausage.
Ask to have your salad dressings and other sauces on the side when dining out. Check with your server about how the food is prepared to avoid a number of calories added by frying in butter or animal fat.
Avoid fast food eateries when at all possible. Ask for a nutrition list and choose the lower calorie options when you do eat at one of these restaurants.
Eat a balanced meal before attending a cocktail party, sporting contest or other event where high calorie foods will abound. A full stomach will help you concentrate on activities other than eating.
Treat yourself on occasion with a small portion of a high calorie treat you crave. Completely avoiding high calorie foods for a long period of time will increase the likelihood of succumbing to binges and eventually "giving up" on your diet.
Prepare low-calorie snacks to have on hand when hunger strikes. Fill a bowl with fresh in-season fruit and cut up some fresh raw vegetables to eat with a low-calorie dip.