How to Diet by Counting Carbs
Things You'll Need
- Carbohydrate counting book
- Calculator
Decide how many carbohydrates you are going to consume per day. Most low-carb diets recommend fewer than 80 grams.
Choose lean meat, dairy and non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli and peppers as the mainstays of your diet. These categories of food are naturally low in carbohydrates and will help you feel satisfied.
Reduce the amount of carbs you eat by avoiding such foods as pasta and white bread. Don't lower the amount of carbohydrates you obtain from whole grains and fruits, as these provide essential nutrients for your body.
Plan your meals in advance. Write down what you plan on cooking and count the number of carbs in each dish. If you find yourself going above your daily allotment, change your menu before you begin to cook.
Use a pocket calculator to count your carbohydrate totals from each meal. Be sure to write these down and keep a running total to avoid exceeding your daily goal.
Keep a food diary in which you record all of the carbohydrates you consume during the day. The diary will make you accountable for each carb. When kept over a period of weeks, this journal will show patterns in your consumption of carbs that can be altered as needed.
Buy a carbohydrate counter book to find the number of carbs in foods. The "Complete Carbohydrate Counter" by Kyle Cathie and "The Brand-Name Carbohydrate Gram Counter" by Corinne T. Netzer are available at Amazon.
Search cookbooks for low-carb recipes. Some of these are written with low-carb dieting in mind, like "15-Minute Low-Carb Recipes: Instant Recipes for Dinners, Desserts, and More" by Dana Carpender and "Lauri's Low-Carb Cookbook: Rapid Weight Loss with Satisfying Meals!" by Lauri Ann Randolph. Find these books at Amazon.
Learn which foods have hidden carbs in them so you can accurately count them. These often include creams, cheeses, sugar-free items and artificial sweeteners.