How to Stay Thin
Determine you can do it. You need to decide that you are in control of the food you eat, the water you drink and the amount of exercise you get. You are in charge of the knowledge you acquire to learn everything you need to know about your health and diet.
Research, dig and learn about diet and nutrition. Read the "Sugar Blues" by William Duffy, and find out how sugar affects insulin levels and runs down the body. Find out how refined white flour is the worst for pesticides; how microwaveable food has little or no nutritional value; how processed foods are way too high in salt; how poultry and meat are full of hormones.
Stop eating these fast- and processed foods, and all the foods that you learn about that are not good for you.
Visit your local health food store, farmers' market or even the health food and organic produce sections of your supermarket. Pick up some items that you can put meals together with--vegetables, dried beans, sprouted breads, good oils like coconut and olive, free range poultry and no-hormone or no-antibiotic meats.
Prepare your own healthy meals every day. That sounds like a tall order but some wellness consultants say this is the only way you will get ahead and finally stay thin.
Understand that the real way to stay thin is to be healthy. To be healthy you need to eat right, drink plenty of good pure water and exercise. This is not a fad diet, or a yo-yo game on the scales. This will give you true and lasting health and thinness.
Stay active and get lots of exercise. Probably almost as important as the right diet is getting on a regular exercise regimen. Pilates and/or yoga work well, as well as stretches at work, housework and just staying on the move. You can stay thin.