How to Control Weight
Control the food you eat. Start your day with breakfast. Healthy options include a balance of food groups composed of cereal, bread, eggs, fruit juice or breakfast bars. Do not let yourself stay hungry when it is time for lunch and dinner. Take smaller portions of food and fill up on vegetables. Maintain your distance from fatty, processed foods. For example, eat salads without heavy creamy toppings.
Take a single serving of your favorite sweet dish once a week. Instead of sugary treats, eat fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Exercise daily to burn calories. Walk, run or do other cardio exercises to keep your weight under wraps. Make a schedule for physical activity and stick to it.
Keep your calorie intake at 1,200 a day if you are a female and 1,500 a day if you are a male. These are the baseline calorie values for people who want to manage their weight. Adjust the calorie intake if you exercise rigorously. Do not control weight by giving up food altogether. Keep a healthy approach to your goal and be consistent in your efforts.
Drink eight glasses of water a day to prevent dehydration. Have a glass of water before meals to help fill your stomach so you feel less hungry. Also avoid soft drinks because they are loaded with sugar and empty calories.
Be happy and maintain a positive attitude towards life. A content individual is more likely to succeed in controlling his weight.