How to Plan Body-for-Life Meals
Know the foods on the Body-for-Life's authorized foods list. You will eat the "acceptable" proteins and carbohydrates each day.
Combine one carb and one protein to make a meal. Plan six of these small meals every day. Add veggies to two meals and get at least one tbsp. of unsaturated oil daily.
Get to the grocery store often. Make a list of what you need and only purchase the foods on your list.
Create a planning schedule. Plan an entire week at a time or take it one day at a time. Either way you choose, by budgeting time to plan you'll be more likely to be successful.
Keep a journal of your activity while you are on the Body-for-Life plan. Write down what you will eat at what time and follow it as closely as possible. Record any times you deviate from your plan.
Relax on your free day. Don't worry about planning meals this day but do put it in your schedule. Knowing that your free day is coming will help keep you on track the rest of the week.