How to Lose Weight With Tea
Things You'll Need
- Black tea
- Green tea
- Oolong tea
- White tea
Choose black tea instead of coffee in the morning and drink cold tea with your meals instead of soda. Black tea is full of antitoxins called flavonoids and can actually detoxify your body, making it run smoother and increase metabolism. Coffee actually adds toxins to the body and tends to drag you down as it depletes the body of some vitamins.
Drink at least one cup of hot green tea or a glass of cold green tea per day. Green tea has been proven to burn fat and increase metabolism, which helps you lose weight.You can purchase green tea in a variety of flavors like raspberry, lemon, blueberry, or mint.
Drink Oolong tea, which is made from special tea leaves grown in China and processed directly after being picked. Many swear by the slimming affect of this tea and it is typically marketed as a tea that will help you lose weight naturally.
Drink white tea hot or cold, which also comes in an array of flavors as green tea does. The weight loss and antioxidant benefits of white tea are very similar to that of green tea. A study on white tea shows that it may lower blood pressure and cholesterol both of which improves the overall health of your heart and may allow you to do more cardio exercises.