How to Curb Cravings
Eat smaller meals and snacks several times a day. Give your body more nutritional support by eating every three hours.
Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Water will also give you a full feeling and help you distinguish real hunger from an unnecessary craving.
Change your mindset by distracting yourself from a craving. Cravings sometimes come from boredom, so choose to do another activity and the craving may pass.
Wait out a craving. If you are hydrated and have tried distracting yourself, wait for 15 minutes or so. A real craving will not go away, so you can then satisfy the craving with a healthy choice.
Stock your refrigerator with healthy snacks and pack some of these if you are going to be away from home. Fruits, grains and veggies are great snack choices to provide satisfaction and energy.
Break old habits and start new healthy habits. Sometimes cravings come from a routine, not a legitimate need for a specific food.
Get your blood sugar levels checked by a healthcare professional. Some cravings come from an imbalance that when "treated" with the wrong foods can worsen the condition and the cravings.