Home Remedies to Tone Cellulite & Skin
Avoiding excess fatty deposits in general are a key to reduce cellulite and keep the skin taut and toned. Regular exercise is the most effective way to reduce body fat, improve overall health and tone skin and muscle. According to the Mayoclinic.com, exercise is the primary way to avoid and control excess weight, which is a big factor in acquiring cellulite and loose skin. Jogging, swimming, walking or biking are all effective exercise methods that use the lower body where cellulite tends to accumulate. The improved health and circulation has a very positive effect on the skin as well.
What you eat directly effects your fat deposits and the condition of your skin. A good or bad diet is quickly displayed by unhealthy, greasy skin that sags and discolors, as well as through fatty deposits that form cellulite. Eating a low-fat diet with non-processed carbohydrates and fiber and grains can make a huge improvement in these areas. For cellulite and healthy skin the adage "you are what you eat" is completely true and the results will show.
Removing toxins, bloat, and jump-starting fat loss is an excellent way to remove cellulite, improve skin tone and work toward improving these conditions for good. Drinking plenty of water to flush the body, including the fatty deposits you are working off through exercise, is beneficial. In addition, following a detox diet of leafy green salads, fresh or steamed vegetables, soups, fruits and fruit juices for two weeks is highly effective. Adding herbs such as coriander, and mixing lemon and cayenne into the diet are helpful in burning fat. Plenty of water and all these fresh foods will give a very apparent boost to the tone and condition of your skin.
Massage Techniques
Massaging the areas affected with cellulite is a common way to both break up the fatty deposits and improve the activity of the lymph system. Combined with exercise and an improved diet, massage can help move those lumpy deposits and improve circulation in your skin. Massage the skin or use a body brush when bathing to open pores and increase the circulation. A honey massage is reported to greatly improve circulation, break down cellulite and reduce clogged pores in the skin.