How to Have Will Power for Not Over-Eating
Things You'll Need
- Affirmations
- Sticky notes
- Pens
- Photographs
- Hypnosis audios or sessions (optional)
Go to your mirror and start with saying nice things about yourself--out loud. It's fine to do it when no one else is around if you feel uncomfortable. But that's a first indication that your esteem needs some help. If your esteem needs help, start working from within to find what you truly love about yourself. Say things like, "I love myself" or "I am happy and healthy." Try meditation and being gentle with yourself.
Write down affirmations on paper or sticky notes and place them around your home, including on your refrigerator. Use positive statements, such as "I eat healthy foods," "Fresh vegetables are nourishing," and "I always eat the right amount." These get your mind focused in a new way.
Get outdoors and exercise. Boredom, tiredness and lack of energy are often caused by a lack of exercise. Take a walk, go swimming or ride that bike that's getting dusty in the garage. Your body's needs will also change the more you exercise.
Read up on the foods you typically eat. If you eat fast food, you are hurting yourself, as is documented in countless reports. Eating them doesn't always curb your hunger. The film "Fast Food Nation" gave some insight into our culture, but you can choose to avoid these unhealthy forms of eating. Instead, select fresh, whole vegetables and take the time to understand the value nature's harvest offers.
Practice in small steps whenever you have a meal. Face the table, notice all the food placed upon it, and choose a smaller portion of each to begin with. Eat very slowly. Allow the food to settle in your stomach before reaching for seconds. You may not want them at all.
Eat healthy snacks between meals, such as carrots or celery or nuts. Also, don't fill up on liquids or wait to eat your entire day's nourishment until you feel famished. Spread it out. Avoid high sugar consumption.
Trust yourself. Believe in yourself. Think thoughts that uplift you in general. The words "I can" or "I will" are quite powerful when making choices in your life.
Purchase hypnosis or self-hypnosis audio CDs, or download them from the Internet. Only use those from reputable sources, such as people specifically trained in hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy has been endorsed by the American Medical Association (AMA) since 1958. Alternatively, make an appointment with a hypnotherapist for a session toward helping improve your will power.
Get a physical exam if you are having true weight issues, especially any that don't seem to change with your efforts of eating better foods and exercising. You may have a physical condition that prevents proper digestion, or issues with blood sugar levels. Diet can hugely help many conditions, but having baseline information is useful.