How to Make Cravings Go Away
Allow yourself a small taste. Sometimes, even just a little taste of that special food you want is enough to keep it at bay. If you completely forbid yourself from having something, you may make your desire for it stronger and more intense. For example, if you have a strong taste for chocolate, allow yourself one individually-wrapped piece, but no more.
Eliminate all junk food from your home. When you have the foods you love easily accessible, then it becomes significantly harder to resist them. Conduct a thorough "spring cleaning" of your kitchen and throw out anything that could trigger a craving, whether doughnuts or cheese puffs.
Consume regular meals. To fight pesky urges, eat normal meals frequently. Avoid skipping meals and try to eat once every three hours or so. Have a healthy snack in between meals. If you desire something sweet, try some fruit.
Eat before you attend social functions. Events can really throw a curveball into a diet. Parties are often full of unhealthy (and free) food temptations, such as cakes, cookies and ice cream. Eat something nutritious before you leave your home so you are less compelled to break your diet and regret it later.
Purchase nutritious snack options. If you feel hungry and just need a little something to keep you going, be sure to always have healthy yet satisfying choices around, including fruit, sugar-free pudding and whole wheat crackers.
Handle your stress productively. Many people give in to cravings due to emotional eating. If you're frustrated due to your job or relationship, learn to cope with your feelings through something else other than food. Work out at a gym. Start painting. Learn about Italian renaissance art. Release your emotions and tensions in ways other than indulging in extra calories.
Drink a lot of water. Your brain may be confusing feelings of thirst with hunger. To prevent the confusion to stop eating when you're not really hungry, stay hydrated.
Visualize something else that makes you happy. If your craving is a non-food variety (for example, gambling or other potentially destructive behaviors), think about something else that makes you smile. Shift your attention away from your cravings by envisioning something positive, whether it's winning a Nobel Peace Prize or going on a luxurious vacation to the French countryside. Also, bring yourself back down to reality by remembering the negative consequences of giving into compulsive feelings. For instance, if you gamble away all of your rent money, you may get evicted from your apartment.