How to Make Your Midsection Thin
Choose the right foods. Proteins like almonds, eggs, berries and leafy green vegetables are great for your health, as well as the shape of your tummy. According to "Fitness" magazine, there is evidence that the structure of an almond's cell wall makes it a great calorie blocker, causing almonds to reduce the absorption of fat. Eggs contain amino acids, which help build muscle and, in turn, naturally burn fat. Berries are filled with fiber, and greens are filling, but also low in calories. The fewer calories you consume, the higher your chance for a flatter stomach.
Strengthen your abdominal muscles with toning exercises. Reverse crunches target your lower abs. Lie flat on a mat with your spine in a neutral position and raise your legs to a 90-degree angle. Place your hands by your side and lift your hips in the direction of your rib cage to contract your lower stomach. The bicycle is another exercise that targets your side oblique muscles. Lie on the mat with your neck raised and supported by your hands. Move each leg much like you would when pedaling a bicycle, and rotate your midsection with each movement.
Increase your cardio activity to make sure your muscles are not covered up by fat. You don't need to join a gym for a great aerobic workout. Running or walking several times a week for 45 minutes to one hour is an effective way to burn fat and calories, advises "Prevention" magazine. If you do choose the gym route, treadmills, ellipticals or stairclimbers are good cardio machines to get your heart rate up and increase your metabolism.
Improve your posture. When you stand up straight and tuck your tummy in, your abdominal muscles are automatically getting a workout. Do not slouch when sitting down, which is common when people are seated in chairs. Use a pillow if necessary to prop your back up and help your abdominals become stronger.