How to Look Naturally Thin
The best way to look naturally thin is by eating healthy, balanced foods in small portions and burning at least as many calories as you consume. While you are working on this or if you need to look slim quickly for a special event, there are a few cheats you can use. Good posture, groomed eyebrows, correctly placed colors and body shapers can make you look naturally thin in moments.Instructions
Stand up straight. This may sound simple, but having good posture can make you look up to 10 pounds lighter, according to WebMD. When you slouch, your weight is compressed into less height and makes your midsection look larger. For proper posture, your head should be squared over your shoulders and your shoulders should sit back as far as they can comfortably be.
Groom your eyebrows. Neat brow lines can make a face look slimmer. However, keep the general size and shape of your natural eyebrows because too-skinny eyebrows can make a face look larger.
Wear dark colors around your heavier areas and lighter colors where you are thinner. This will draw the eye to your flattering assets and away from your heavier parts.
Wear control-top pantyhose or body shapers. These instantly make you look up to 10 pounds lighter and won't crease at the waistline, creating a bulge.