How to Calculate IBW Based on Height
Use Dr. G.J. Hamwi's Ideal Body Weight equation. This method of calculating ideal body weight first became popular in the United States in 1964 when the American Diabetes Association published it.
Measure your height. Dr. Hamwi's formula allows 100 lbs. for the first 5 feet of height for women and 106 lbs. for the first 5 feet for men.
Add weight for each inch over the 5-foot mark: 6 lbs. for men, 5 lbs. for women.
Calculate your ideal body weight using this formula: 100 + 5x for a woman and 106 + 6x for a man, with "x" being the number of inches of height over the 5-foot mark. Thus, a woman who is 5 feet, 5 inches tall would have an ideal body weight of 125 lbs. while a man of the same height would have an ideal body weight of 136 lbs.
Think in terms of a healthy weight range rather than a specific mark on the scale for any particular height. Consider the individual's frame. A large-boned person should weigh more than a small-boned person of the same height. Also, people tend to put on a few pounds as they age. A healthy 65-year-old is likely to weigh a bit more than a healthy 21-year-old of equal height.