How to Control Late Day Eating
Provide your body with proper nutrition throughout the daytime, so you won't feel deprived in the later hours. Eat three meals per day, and include two to three healthy snacks in between. Avoid skipping meals, because this may lead to late cravings and binges. Commit to making dinner the last meal of the day, and eat all your meals at the table. Avoid eating behind the computer or while watching television, because you are more likely to overeat due to the lack of focus on your food.
Drink herbal tea when you feel a late-day craving coming on. The warm liquid is soothing and while drinking it, your craving may go away.
Fill up on water instead of giving in to your craving. Sipping water keeps your mouth busy, hydrates your body and fills you up, so you are less likely to overeat.
Brush your teeth late in the day, during times when you are prone to eat. When your teeth and mouth are clean, you may be less tempted to dirty them up again by eating.
Monitor what you eat, if you consume food late in the day. An apple with peanut butter, low-fat yogurt, fruit, whole-grain bread, low-sodium soups, and cottage cheese are all good to eat late in the day. Chew your food thoroughly, so you can really enjoy it. Eat slowly, because it can take up to 20 minutes before your stomach signals your brain that you are full.
Distract yourself so you stop thinking about food. Read a book, talk to a friend on the phone or take a bath.