How to Get That Ripped Physique
Things You'll Need
- Workout clothes
- Weights
- Wholesome foods
- Athletic shoes
- Home gym equipment
Proper Diet
Avoid unhealthful, unnecessary foods. Although strength training plays a major role in changing the ratio of muscle to fat, a person seeking an ideal level of fitness must cut out unnecessary fats, sugars and other simple carbohydrates and avoid foods that have little or no nutritional value.
Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. The Centers for Disease Control website contains a link to a simple calculator that helps individuals determine their ideal amount of fruits and vegetables based on age, weight and level of physical activity. Consume plenty of complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, for the sustained energy required by both cardio and strength training.
Consume adequate protein. Strength trainers who consume only 0.8 grams of protein per day for each kilogram of body weight (1 kilogram equals 2.2 pounds) actually lose muscle cell mass, while increasing protein intake to 1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight increases muscle cell mass, according to the late sports physiologist, author and coach Edmund R. Burke. Burke cited studies that reveal more muscle mass gain with even higher protein consumption, with the optimum protein intake for bodybuilders falling between 1.8 and 3.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
Building Muscle
Calisthenics such as push-ups develop strength and increase muscle tone. Build muscle mass and general fitness by doing calisthenic exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups. At first, perform only enough repetitions to create slight muscle fatigue. Gradually increase the number of repetitions as your muscle strength develops.
Engage in basic power-lifting exercises, such as the dead lift, back squat and bench press. Seek out a fitness center with the proper equipment and expert supervision. If you do not live near such a facility, you may buy home gym equipment from a variety of websites. But, you should hire a personal trainer or other fitness expert to help you learn effective training techniques and safe, proper usage of the equipment.
Perform a variety of training techniques in your regimen to develop all muscle systems and improve cardiovascular fitness. Train with a group for a triathlon. Whether or not you place in the event, you will gain greater overall fitness and muscle tone and give yourself the motivation to continue working toward increased health and fitness.