How Can I Get Binge Cravings to Go Away?
Eat Nutritious Foods
You can curtail binge cravings by eating well during the day. Eating balanced and nutritious meals will make you feel satisfied and stop binging before it starts. Bring nutritious snacks to work, such as carrots, granola or nuts. Eat healthy foods that will fill you up and keep your blood sugar high without giving you a sugar rush. Include healthy foods and fats in your dinner-time meal. They will help keep you full so you can avoid late-night binges.
Delay Eating
Put off eating when you get binge cravings. If you wait to eat for 30 minutes your cravings should go away. Do other things, such as running errands, catching up on email, calling your friends, taking a walk, reading a short story or taking a bath. Concentrating on something else will make your urge to binge subside. Let a friend or family member know that you are struggling with binge cravings and ask them to support you. Call them whenever you start to feel a binge coming on.
Exercise can help you lose weight and feel better about your body. Exercise is a natural anti-depressant and can reduce stress. Since stress and depression often trigger emotional eating binges, exercise can help stop binge cravings. Walk or run when a binge craving hits. This will keep your mind off the craving and, hopefully, lower your stress level.
Portion Control
Don't completely deny yourself. Eat small amounts of foods that you crave. If you allow yourself one cookie, it may help stop you from eating the whole bag. Avoid keeping large portions of tempting foods in the house. Take what you need and give the rest away. It also may be useful for you to keep a food diary. Pinpointing the foods that trigger binges can help you keep them out of your house. Remember the catchphrase, "Out of sight, out of mind."