How to Shrink Your Waist
Choosing fruits and sweet vegetables over refined sugar reduces belly fat. Cut out refined sugars. The reduction of refined sugars in the diet will also reduce the amount of insulin--a hormone that works to store fat--in the body. Start reading labels and avoid foods with added refined sugar. Avoid processed foods when possible and opt for the natural sugars in fruits and vegetables. For example, choose oatmeal with no sugar added. Sweeten it naturally by adding in your choice of fruit.
Watch your calorie intake. An excess amount of calories means that there is more energy input than output in the body. That excess energy will be stored and turned into extra weight. Look for low-calorie options when grocery shopping and stick to lean protein options such as egg whites, beans and legumes. If you're not a calorie counter, then reduce portion sizes. Ideally, portions should be no larger than the palm of your hand.
Create a workout routine that includes lower body exercises in addition to your abs. Crunches will tighten and tone your middle but they won't burn the amount of calories needed to get rid of visceral fat. That's the fat stored in your belly that's responsible for a bigger waistline. With this fat in the way, toned abs will remain hidden. Focus on strengthening the legs and buttocks--as these are the largest muscles in the body--with exercises such as squats, lunges and leg lifts. These exercises will burn more calories than crunches alone.
Do cardio for 20 minutes in the morning. This will help burn more calories to clear away that visceral fat. Plan to do your cardio workout before breakfast--this exercise will burn stored fat instead of burning it from a recent meal. It doesn't have to be an intense workout; a walk around the block will suffice.
Beware of margaritas and other mixed drinks--they tend to have a high calorie content. Switch to wine or a light beer. The best bet is to reduce alcohol intake altogether--alcohol contains a high amount of calories, which can add to belly fat. Certain mixed drinks, such as a margarita, are often the biggest offenders. If alcohol intake can't be reduced, then stick with the lower calorie options.