How to Stop My Appetite
Think before eating so that you can stop your appetite in its tracks. Recognize the difference between hunger and cravings; ask yourself if you want to eat because you are hungry or because you want to satisfy a craving. If your stomach is growling it means you are hungry and should eat. If you desire a piece of chocolate or cookies, but are not hungry, you are simply having an appetite-triggered craving which you can quell using the following steps mentioned in this article.
Brush your teeth with minty toothpaste when your appetite flares up and you experience urges for certain foods. When your teeth are clean and your mouth is minty fresh, you are less likely to eat and contaminate it again. Besides which, food won't taste as good if you eat it when your teeth are freshly brushed.
Redirect your attention to other activities besides eating. Take a walk, talk on the phone, take a nap or do some stretching or light exercise. Direct your focus elsewhere so that you forget about your appetite. This technique can be surprisingly effective in taking your mind off food.
Eat five to six small meals daily so that your blood sugar stays stable and cravings are eliminated. Eat every two to three hours. Because you are eating more often you won't feel deprived and your appetite will stay satisfied. Chew your food slowly so that your brain has sufficient time to receive signals indicating you are full.
Consume foods that are filling and digest slowly so that you are satiated. Eat foods such as oatmeal, nuts, fruits and vegetables and clear soups or broths. Avoid highly-processed foods and foods with a lot of sugar or fat.
Avoid having tempting foods lying around the house. Don't purchase foods that you tend to crave, such as cookies or chips. Knowing that they are in the house only stimulates your appetite for them, even if you are not actually hungry.
Drink water to quell your appetite. Sometimes you may think you are hungry when you are actually thirsty. Water also fills you up so that you eat less.
Consult your doctor about taking an appetite suppressant to suppress your appetite if you are unable to do so on your own. Appetite suppressants stop your appetite by tricking your body into thinking it is full.