Activities With the Largest Energy Expenditure
Certain activities can burn more calories per hour than others, just as certain foods contain more calories than others. The amounts of calories burned during any given activity are based on a person's current physical condition, as well as the level of physical exertion required to perform the activity. Energy consumed but not used cannot go away, so it must be stored; this how people become overweight and even obese.
Cardio versus Weight Lifting
A lot of people wonder what activities burn more calories and expend the most energy. When it comes to cardio or aerobic activities versus weight lifting activities, there can be some confusion. Aerobic exercise expends more energy in a short amount of time and increases fat loss. However, weight training most likely causes a person to gain weight (lean body mass) and the body to burn calories for a longer period of time following the activity.
According to the National Cancer Institute, some of the highest calorie-burning activities are sports. Active sports like rugby, racquet sports, basketball, hockey and football have some of the highest energy expenditures. Martial arts such as karate, kung fu and kickboxing are some of the top calorie-burning activities as well. Biking, running and hiking are great outdoor activities that burn the most calories per hour.
Every person has different requirements for their body type, and should always consult a physician before starting a new exercise routine. Calories burned during activities depend on a person's overall health, weight and the intensity the activity is performed. A person's resting metabolic rate can contribute to potential for calorie burning, as well as the basal metabolic rate. All of these things should be taken into consideration when calculating the amount of energy a person expends.