How to Start a Weight Loss Program in a Doctor's Office
Determine if the operating budget of the practice supports a weight loss program. Decide if you will offer the program for free to current patients or charge a fee for participation.
Determine what space you have available in the current facility to host and support a weight loss program. Make sure you have access to and use of a room for meetings and program offerings.
Survey current patients to gauge interest in a weight loss program sponsored by the doctor's office. Send a survey along with all patients checking out, e-mail patients on your current e-mail distribution list and have a link to show interest added to the office's Web site. Gather all information and calculate the number of patients who responded positively to the idea.
Write a summary of the program's offerings. Seek input from physicians in the practice to see if they will be participating in the program by supplying information or speaking at sessions throughout the course of the program.
Include services and offerings in your weight loss program summary such as diet and nutrition advice, meal planning, weekly weigh-in sessions, group meetings to discuss weight loss goals and expectations, classes on proper exercise techniques and seminars devoted to healthy cooking, proper food choices and staying active on a daily basis.
Compile a list of all options and distribute the list to all staff members to verify that staff with experience in all areas are available for participation. For example, if you will be offering nutrition lessons and advice, ensure that a registered nutritionist is on staff at the practice and has available time to support the program.
Reserve room space where meetings will be held. Block off a one to two hour window of time, once per week for a full year. Note the dates and times for all meetings and log in a calendar. Distribute the calendar to all staff members who will be supporting and working with patients during weight loss program meetings. Allow for extra events such as cooking classes or low impact aerobic classes to occur throughout the year as additional program offerings and schedule dates and times for those as well.
Purchase and install exercise equipment if you will be including exercise classes or instruction as part of the overall weight loss program. Consider using an off-site gym for such sessions and contact local gyms to inquire about your group using such facilities and agree on a price for such facility use. Ask for a discount if you agree to promote and advertise the gym as a partner in your marketing material for the weight loss program.
E-mail, mail and promote the final parameters of the program. Include a page on your Web site announcing the program and list all meeting dates, times and locations. In all material promoting the program, list all topics covered and give an overview of how a typical meeting will operate.
Sign up patients four to six weeks prior to the first meeting. Keep in mind that successful weight loss programs will draw additional participants as the program becomes better known.