The Best Natural Way to Burn Calories
You can boost your metabolism by eating spicy food. What you eat and when you eat it can directly influence your metabolism. To start burning calories early each day, eat breakfast. When you eat breakfast, your body immediately starts burning calories. To maintain the momentum of this calorie-burning process, continue eating small meals throughout the day. Try to eat four to six small meals. Eating smaller meals more often will help you keep your metabolism moving.
Drink water to experience countless health benefits including younger-looking skin. Another way you can naturally burn more calories is by carefully choosing what you drink. Drinking water is not only essential to the metabolic process, but it can also speed your metabolism and help you burn more calories faster. In fact, you can increase your metabolic rate by 30 percent when you drink only 2 cups of water. To further speed the rate at which you burn calories, drink caffeinated tea. Caffeine is a stimulant and therefore assists in burning calories faster.
Be Wary
Sedentary people do not burn calories as effectively as people who are active. You can easily become tempted to sit back, kick your feet up and relax into a day that involves little to no physical activity. Rest and sleep are certainly important, but you want to be careful that you don't settle into a sedentary lifestyle. Exercising is the best way to boost your metabolism and burn the most calories. When you incorporate strength exercises into your weekly routine, you build muscle that will also help you burn more calories when you do give in to the temptation to enjoy a day of rest.
Other Considerations
Strength training helps combat muscle loss as you age. Though you can certainly boost your metabolism and make your body's natural calorie-burning process move faster, it is important for you to know that there are some factors that influence your metabolism that you cannot change. Your age and your sex determine the amount of muscle you naturally have. Females naturally tend to have less muscle than men and therefore burn fewer calories. Females and males alike begin to lose a pound of muscle each year from the age of 35. Muscle loss due to age will also decrease the number of calories your body naturally burns.