How to Get Rid of Underarm Fat With a Kettlebell
Do a 20-minute kettlebell session a few times each week. This burns nearly 300 calories per session, for helping burn fat, including in your underarms.
Include kettlebell swings in your routine. The repetitive nature of the move burns calories while also activating the muscles in your underarms. To do a kettlebell swing, stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and hold the kettlebell handle with both hands, letting your arms hang straight down in front of your body. Bring the kettlebell down and back between your legs, bending your knees as you do. Swing the kettlebell back up and over your head as you stand back up. Continue bringing it up and down in one continuous motion.
Add one set of 12 kettlebell rows with each arm. This move directly activates the muscles on your underarm. Hold a kettlebell in one hand, arm hanging at your side and your body slightly bent over at the hips. Bring the kettlebell up and back as if rowing a boat. Lower it back to the starting position to finish one repetition.
Do one set of 12 kettlebell pushups. Place two kettlebells on the floor and hold the handles while balancing your body on your hands and toes, with your elbows straight. Slowly lower your body toward the ground, hold the position for a second or two, then push your body back to the starting position. This move targets your triceps, which are the muscles located in your underarms.
Combine your kettlebell workouts with other forms of cardio. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends getting at least 150 minutes of cardio each week, working up to 300 minutes for weight loss. You can't target your underarms with cardio, but it will help you slim down all over.
Eat a healthy and low-calorie diet. This helps create the calorie deficit necessary to drop weight, in your underarms and all over your body. Eat a variety of foods from each food group, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and low-fat dairy. Not only does this help control your calorie intake, but it also provides your body with the fuel it needs to do kettlebell arm exercises.