How to Lose Weight by Walking in Place in Your Bedroom
Walk in place at a moderate pace. This maximizes calorie burn by keeping your heart rate going. At this intensity, you'll be able to talk, but will be slightly out of breath. Taking 1,000 steps is equivalent to 10 minutes of walking at a brisk pace, according to NHS Choices. In this amount of time, a 150-pound person burns about 30 to 50 calories, which means if you walk in place for a half an hour, you can burn about 100 to 150 calories.
Exercise for at least 150 minutes each week. This is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's recommendation for healthy adults. Divide this time up throughout the week to keep your metabolism going. You can walk in place as your only form of exercise, or you can combine it with other types of exercise, such as swimming or biking. For effective weight loss, the CDC cautions that you might need to add to the recommended amount of exercise if you aren't seeing results.
Incorporate interval training into your bedroom walking routine. This increases your calorie burn without having to increase your workout time. Interval training involves walking in place at a moderate pace for several minutes, with short bursts of faster walking mixed in at regular intervals. For example, walk in place at a normal pace for two minutes, then walk in place as fast as you can for 30 seconds. Go back and forth between the two for your entire walking session.
Combine your walking in place routine with a low-calorie meal plan. Overdoing it on calories can undo all of your hard work and interfere with effective weight loss. Eat a variety of foods from each food group, including fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and low-fat dairy. Not only will you keep your calorie intake under control, but you'll also provide your body with the fuel it needs to walk in place each day.