Exercises That Only Require a Chair

In a world where there's a gym in every neighborhood and new exercise gadgets are regularly peddled on television and online, it's easy to believe that you need to spend money to get fit. A humble chair offers several workout options, and you can use it to exercise during breaks at work or during an activity lull at home. If you're pressed for time, you don't even have to do your entire workout at once. Try doing a few exercises throughout the day.
  1. Cardiovascular Exercise

    • Cardiovascular exercise gets your whole body moving, rather than targeting individual muscles or muscle groups. It can help you lose weight while strengthening your heart and lungs. Get the benefits of cardio with a chair by using the chair as a stepper. Position the chair against a wall and then step up onto the chair, then step back down. The goal is to get your heart rate elevated, and this exercise will also give your legs a strong workout. For an even more intense workout, try a modified version of a box jump with a firm, sturdy chair. While facing the chair, jump up onto the chair with both feet, then jump back down, continuing the routine for five to 10 minutes. If you have joint problems or muscle injuries, avoid this exercise.

    Upper Body

    • To work your upper body, use the chair as a stabilizer as you do triceps dips. With your back to the chair, bend your elbows and position your hands on the edge of the chair. Dip down then rise back up. You can also do a modified pushup on the edge of the chair. Simply face the chair with your hands on the chair, then push up and then back down. Do five to 10 reps of this exercise.


    • To work your abs, try a modified version of a captain's chair exercise -- one of the most effective abdominal exercises, according to the American Council on Exercise. With your back to the chair, position your hands on the chair, elbows bent. Engaging your abs, slowly bend your knees and pull them up toward your chest. Do five to 10 reps. Next, sit on the edge of the chair with your hands planted behind you. Tense your abs and lift your torso off of the chair while keeping your spine straight. Hold for five to 10 seconds and do five to 10 reps.


    • Squats work your quadriceps, hips and calves, and require you to lean back as if you're sitting in a chair. Make this exercise a little easier by standing in front of the chair with your back to it, then slowly bending your knees and leaning back to sit in the chair. For a more challenging version, try a one-legged squat. Do five to 10 reps. You can also do a lunge using a chair. While facing the back of the chair, grip the top of the chair and take a step forward, then lower your torso toward the ground while bending your knees. Do five to 10 reps.

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