How to Exercise Without Getting a Hernia

Hernias develop in different areas of your body, including the groin, abdomen and diaphragm. The condition occurs when a section of muscle becomes so weak it allows a portion of an organ to pass through its fibers. In some cases, the bulge the protruding organ creates is large enough for you to feel it with your hands. Scarring and birth defects might lead to hernias, or they can result from physical strain, such as lifting heavy objects. In the latter case, following proper exercise techniques might prevent the condition.


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      Warm up to increase body heat and blood flow prior to exercising. Light jogging or another mild aerobic activity raises your body temperature and dilates your vessels, increasing the flow of blood, according to the “The New York Times” website. Perform this preliminary work for five to 10 minutes to loosen your muscles and tendons for the vigorous portion of your workout.

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      Lift weights appropriate to your strength. Get help from a personal trainer to identify the ideal weight for you to start with and how far you can safely push yourself as you build your lifting power over time. Prevent hernias by bending at the knees, keeping your waist neutral and back straight as you lift and take the weight back down.

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      Condition your abdomen with exercises that strengthen the muscles in the region, one of the areas susceptible to hernias. Crunches, for example, and sit-ups are some of your options.

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      Exercise regularly, not in occasional spurts, to maintain your body conditioned and your muscles strong. Writing for, Dr. Edward Laskowski, M.D., recommends 150 minutes weekly of moderate aerobics or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic exercise.

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