How much does a Pediatrician make in pounds?
1. NHS Salary: Pediatricians working for the National Health Service (NHS), the public healthcare system in the UK, are paid according to the national pay scales set by the government. The typical annual salary range for a pediatrician in the NHS is as follows:
- Specialty Doctor (ST3-ST6): £82,096 - £103,160
- Consultant Pediatrician: £88,205 - £119,394
2. Private Practice: Pediatricians working in private practice or the independent healthcare sector may have different salary structures compared to those in the NHS. They can set their own fees for consultations and treatments, and the income may depend on factors such as patient volume, location, and reputation.
3. Additional Factors: Some pediatricians may have additional income streams, such as teaching, research, or consulting. These activities can further contribute to their overall earnings.
It's important to note that these salary ranges are approximate and can vary. Individual pediatricians may earn more or less depending on their qualifications, experience, and regional variations.