How to Lose Milk Weight

Losing weight after pregnancy and while breastfeeding can be difficult for some women. Milk weight is hard to lose because the woman is carrying extra fluid in the breasts, and may even experience bodily fluid retention. There are, however, several techniques that a woman can use to lose milk weight and to lose weight gained while breastfeeding.

Things You'll Need

  • Breast pump
  • Salt replacement
  • Walking shoes
  • Calorie counter
  • Food scale
  • Digital scale
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  1. The Process

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      Speak with your doctor about an appropriate weight loss method to lose milk weight or to diet during lactation; devise a plan that will help you lose no more than 4.5 pounds in a month.

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      Talk to your doctor about getting a vitamin supplement so you get enough calcium, B6, folate, zinc magnesium and other vitamins every day.

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      Drink eight glasses of water every day to rid the body of toxins that would otherwise increase fluid retention. Refrain from drinking sodas, colas and beverages high in sugar.

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      Breastfeed regularly to burn up stored fat; use a breast pump to reduce the size of breasts swollen with excessive breast milk.

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      Replace your table salt with a salt replacement to minimize fluid retention and keep your blood pressure at appropriate levels.

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      Exercise three times a week. Go swimming, go for a walk, do aerobics indoors or ride a bike. Alternate your workouts to prevent boredom and to exercise different muscles. Exercise at least three times a week for half an hour.

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      Incorporate low-fat and fat-free foods into your diet. Consume the number of calories daily recommended by your physician. Use a calorie counter and a food scale to make sure you are getting adequate calories and correct food portions.

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      Weigh yourself once a week and track it in a journal or weight-loss log. Don't get discouraged if you do not lose a lot of weight all at one time.

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