How to Lose your Tummy After Pregnancy
Get yourself a belly band. This can be worn right after delivery. It's the first and only thing you can do to help get your tummy back in shape. This method has been used by women all over the world for generations. The belly band helps the uterus shrink back into place and reduces water retention. Plus, the support is great for moms who have had cesarean sections. I will provide a list of websites that have great post-partum undergarments.
The one thing that will help you burn the extra fat, is eating a healthy diet. You don't have to eat less, just smarter. You need your energy to keep up with your hectic life style, especially those of you who are nursing. Studies show that the recommended caloric intake of a nursing mom is between 1800 and 2700 daily. It is as simple as substituting white rice for brown, potato for sweet potato and white bread for wheat. Eating more lean meats such as chicken breast and fatty fish, like salmon. Eat more vegetables than anything else with your meal. Stay away from soda. Have healthy oils, make your own dressing using olive oil, lemon, sea salt, cumin, garlic and dried mint for salads. You should be eating 3 meals a day with snacks in between. Try low fat vanilla yogurt with a handful of chopped walnuts. Research shows that 3 servings of dairy help you lose weight. And if you have a sweet tooth, indulge. It's fine in moderation. Sometimes giving in to those small cravings can lower your stress level. And don't sacrifice taste. Use seasonings.
Exercise is essential if you want to lose your pooch. But where are you going to find time for exercise? It's going to take baby steps. Start with simple things to get you moving. Cardio is the best way to burn the fat. If no one is home, you should be hopping, skipping even jogging around the house just as you do housework. Go for brisk walks with your baby. There are great strollers made to exercise while giving baby a stroll, or put him/her in a baby bjorn. Belly dancing is a great way to burn calories as it works every muscle in your body, emphasizing on the mid section. Cable networks have channels dedicated to fitness. You can TiVo your favorite fitness shows and work out when you have time. Put on your favorite music, pick up your baby and dance. Anything to get a heart rate going. Every day do a little more. You will have more energy and more confidence.
When is the last time you put on a little make-up? No, you don't have to get all glammed up, but a little concealer, bronzer, mascara and gloss will give you a little boost of confidence. When you look in the mirror and like what you see, you will do more to maintain yourself. Be your own motivation. Putting on make-up isn't going to make your tummy disappear, but it will make you feel good. And when you feel good, you are more likely to take better care of yourself.
Wear clothes that fit your body right now. You may not have achieved your goal in getting rid of the pooch yet, but that's no reason to dress like a hobo. Get a few basics to get you through until you've gotten back into shape. There is nothing more unflattering than walking around with a muffin top, not to mention uncomfortable. Shape wear is a really big thing in Hollywood. Celebs swear by Spanx. They smooth out those lumps and bumps, pulling everything in where it should be. And no one will know you have them on. So go shopping, get some support under your clothes and feel better about the way you look right now. Your body took nine months to grow a beautiful baby, doesn't it make sense that it might take that long to heal?