How to Lose Weight Quickly After Having a Baby
Assess your starting condition. Receive a complete evaluation from your doctor before beginning a weight-loss routine. Medical conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure can make it necessary to modify standard weight-loss regimens. The type of delivery you had may also affect your body's readiness to begin a dedicated routine. For example, attempting to lose weight too quickly following a cesarean birth or episiotomy procedure can increase your risk of health complications.
Define your weight loss goals. Establishing weight loss goals can make you feel more accountable for meeting the challenge. Decide how much weight you wish to lose and a suitable time frame for goal completion. Make sure that your goals aren't irrational to avoid getting discouraged with actual results. Consult a doctor or dietitian to help determine satisfactory weight-loss goals. Healthy weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week is a standard target.
Boost your metabolism with smaller, more frequent meals. Resist the urge to starve yourself when trying to lose weight quickly after having a baby. Eating five small meals evenly spaced throughout the day gives your body a steady supply of nourishment. Asses your caloric intake to decide where dietary improvements should be made. Create a meal plan that features easily prepared, healthy foods. Add fresh and fruits and vegetables to your diet while minimizing fatty foods. Monitor your carbohydrate intake to help in your weight loss efforts.
Engage in increasing amounts of cardio exercise. Cardio activities such as cycling, step aerobics and swimming help the body burn fat and gain lean muscle. A combination of both high and low intensity exercises keeps your muscles "guessing," allowing for less chance of boredom. Commit to a workout plan that includes at least three sessions of cardio exercise each week with each session lasting at least 20 minutes. Add multiple daily sessions as your body gets used to the exercises. Monitor your heart rate to ensure adequate exertion levels are being met.
Join with others. Don't use loneliness as an excuse for failure. Find a gym that is both convenient and comfortable to attend regularly. Examine the different types of classes available to aid in your decision. Sign up for a few classes to invigorate your weight loss efforts. Some gyms even have classes targeted to new mothers. Consider hiring a personal trainer for an extra push in the right direction.