How to Lose Weight without Starving Yourself
Make a list of healty foods that you can eat as much as you want. Such as water, just kidding. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains, such as baby carrots, celery, avocados, apples, oranges, blueberries, steel cut oatmeal, rice cakes. Allow yourself to eat as much as you want of the foods on your list. Steel cut oatmeal moves slowly through your digestive system and helps you to feel full longer.
Drink plenty of liquids including water and green tea. Green tea helps your body metabolize (burn) fat. I recommend at least 5 cups of green tea per day. NOT SWEETENED!
MOVE - Keep yourself moving even if it is not "exercise". Walk as much as you can. Park your car as far away from the store or bank as possible so that you can maximize your exercise. Even if you start out walking only 1 minute per day, you can slowly increase the amount until you are walking 45-60 minutes per day.
Have your favorite snacks available, but do not eat them. Remember, if it tastes good, spit it out! Choose not to eat them right now. Keep yourself busy, distraction is the best method to reduce eating.