How to Lose Weight After Childbirth
Things You'll Need
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Breastfeed. Breastfeeding requires you to eat 500 extra calories a day (just like pregnancy), which seems counter-intuitive. But breastfeeding causes your uterus to contract to its normal size quicker, therefore getting rid of that flabby stomach sooner. Breastfeeding also reduces the size of your breasts (which may or may not be a good thing, but it does cause you to loose weight).
Calculate the caloric intake you need daily to maintain your current weight.
Cut your diet by 100 calories a day. Each pound equals 3,500 calories. If you cut out 100 calories a day, you will lose 1 lb. a month and 12 lbs. in a year. Cutting 100 calories is as simple as substituting water for a carbonated soda.
Drink eight to 10 glasses of water a day. If you don't drink enough water, your body will retain the water you do consume, and you will look bloated as a result.
Eat healthy foods (like apples and nuts) instead of junk food. They will benefit you by sustaining your energy levels--as opposed to junk food, which causes your blood sugar to surge and than sharply fall. Follow the link in Resources to find healthy food alternatives.
Start the day with a hearty breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it jump-starts your metabolism and prompts your body to regulate itself. It's also important to eat meals at specific intervals every day, so that your body is able to manage its resources effectively. The more of a routine you're on (eating breakfast at 8 a.m., lunch at noon dinner at 5 p.m.), the more stable your blood sugar will be, and the easier it will be for you to lose unwanted weight.
Start walking. Put your baby in a stroller and take a 30-minute walk around the neighborhood. It will help you because walking primes your body for strength training.
Lift weights. This will transfer fat into muscle, and will benefit you in terms of weight loss. Muscles increase the body's metabolism, or its ability to burn calories. So although gaining muscles is increasing your weight, in the long run, it will help you slim down. If you don't have any free weights, search around your house for items you can lift, like water jugs, or even your 10-lb. (or more) baby.
Start an aerobics workout. There are many free videos (see Resources) that present routines you can do at home. You can also join an aerobics class at your local gym if you prefer a social environment. The important thing is to elevate your heart rate for 10 minutes (in other words, sweat for the full 10 minutes) during each workout.
Get lots of sleep. If you don't get enough, your ability to burn carbohydrates decreases, and your blood sugar increases. This in turn creates more fat storage. Getting 7 to 8 hours a night is recommended for optimal body and mind performance.