How to Design an Ab Routine
Things You'll Need
- Carpeted floor or exercise mat
- Water
Identify your problem areas. Not everyone has the same issues when it comes to abs. A lot of men complain about their love handles, while most women want to firm up their lower abdominals. Decide where you want to focus your energy.
Decide how much time you have each day to devote to an ab routine. If you have 10 minutes each day, you have plenty of time to do some "all over" ab crunches. If you only have five minutes, however, you will need to focus your energy a bit more.
Think about your body and determine if you have any medical issues that need to be addressed. If you have lower-back issues, for example, make sure this area is supported at all times, and discontinue crunches that place strain on your back.
Lie on your back and put your knees up in the air so that your shins are perpendicular to your thighs. Place your hands behind your head, with your elbows falling out to the side. Lift your backside off the ground toward your chest while you lift your chest and crunch to your posterior. This is a great exercise for the lower abs.
Lie on your back with your legs flat on the floor. Slowly slide your knees up until your feet are flat on the floor.
Place your hands behind your head again, with your elbows out to the side. Lift your head, neck, shoulders and chest toward the ceiling. This is a great exercise for your upper abs.
Put your body in the same position described in Step 5, with your hands behind your head. This time, bring your left knee toward your chest while you touch that knee to your right arm. Then switch to your right knee and left arm. Quickly go back and forth. This is called the bicycle move, and it works the sides of your abs.
Design your routine to include any or all of these exercises. Variations of them work as well. Get to work!