How to Get Rid of Your Pregnancy Weight Fast
Breast-feed your baby. The Fit Pregnancy website says breast-feeding alone burns 600 to 800 calories a day. Many mothers choose to breast-feed their babies for only six months, but if you can manage it, try to extend that a few months. Not only will you be providing added health benefits to your baby, you'll also be extending the length of time you can take advantage of the weight-loss benefits.
Start on a healthier diet. Many pregnant women find themselves indulging in the nightly bowl of ice cream or sugary snacks. Cut out those snacks after you've had your baby and focus on getting at least 40 grams of protein and plenty of vegetables. Also, be realistic and reward yourself with occasional treats so you don't end up binging on snacks.
Make several small meals in advance. If you're breast-feeding, you won't be able to go long jags without eating, so don't set yourself up for overindulging by skipping meals. Write out a meal plan for a few days and go shopping for those items. Then make anything you can ahead of time to make sure it's handy during one of your quick mealtimes.
Start small with exercise, and work up to more strenuous routines. Right after the birth, you may not feel as if you're up for exercise. But make an effort, when you get approval from your doctor, to go on a short walk. Start a daily walking routine and then step it up to a running routine with a jogging stroller. Also, work out to exercise videos while your baby is napping.