How to Lose Baby Fat & Stretch Marks
Exercise to reduce the amount of baby fat on your body. An exercise plan should include strength training three days a week and cardio exercise three days a week, with each day's exercise lasting at least 30 minutes. Strength training helps to build muscles and increase the body's metabolism, while cardio burns lots of calories and contributes to quick weight loss.
Eat a healthy diet consisting of whole grains, lean protein, fresh vegetables, fruit and healthy fats to help in reduction of body fat. Avoid all junk food and only eat food that has been cooked at home using minimal amounts of sugar and sodium. Increase the amount of fiber in your diet to aid in digestion and reduce bloating.
Use creams meant to help in the reduction of stretch marks on all of the affected areas. Ideally, these creams should be used throughout pregnancy in combination with lots of water to keep the skin hydrated and allow easier stretching as your stomach grows. Stretch mark creams should contain vitamin E, as it can help with the reduction of lines and scars.
Allow your body lots of time to get back to normal after giving birth. It may take at least nine months for baby fat to shed; stretch marks can take a couple years to fade and become less noticeable. Although diet, exercise and creams can aid in this process, the biggest changes occur with time.