How to Lose Baby Fat After Pregnancy
For those who fall into the latter category, it's time for drastic measures -- at the same time realizing that the postpartum body has been though an amazing, life-changing experience and a little extra weight is a very normal side effect.
Here's how to lose baby fat after pregnancy.
Asses the situation. how many extra pounds are still hanging around? How many pounds need to be lost? Knowing what you're up against is the first step. You may measure your weight loss in pound or inches, or both; be sure to record your stats when you start.
Increase your self-awareness by keeping a food and exercise diary (a list on a piece of paper is fine) for three days. Are you snacking more than you realized? Are your meals high-calorie? Has a more sedentary, less-active lifestyle become the norm?
Make a plan. A combination of diet change and increased physical activity is the best way to lose baby fat after pregnancy, quickly. Since you have to burn 3,500 calories to lose a pound, eating less and exercising more to achieve a net loss of 500 calories daily will allow you to lose one pound per week.
Walk, run, bike or swim three times a week, alternating with a Pilates/ core-strengthening workout three other days in the week, with one day being a "rest" day in which you might go for a walk or do stretches, but nothing strenuous.
Example workout schedule:
M- Jog 1/2 mile
T- Do Pilates mat-work routine
W- Jog
R- Pilates
F- Swim laps
S- Yoga workout
S- Rest -
Reduce food intake, beginning with the elimination of empty calories such as sweets, white bread, empty carbohydrates, soda, juice, and crackers.
Improve your diet to include healthy fats, good meat and whole grains. Take a tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil before a light snack in the early afternoon. The fat will satiate you and prevent cravings; and coconut oil is recommended for weight loss.
Take your new baby for a walk in the afternoon or early evening. not only will this help you lose baby fat after pregnancy, but it may help calm the newborn during what is typically a prime fussy time.
Take pride in your accomplishments. Progress may be slow at times, but your efforts are important and you will succeed. Keep at it!