How to Get Rid of Post-Baby Belly
Things You'll Need
- Medicine ball
Focus on your diet. Eat smaller and healthier. Digesting fresh fruits and vegetables will keep off the extra belly fat. Healthy eating helps you lose not only belly fat but other body fat as well.
Do pelvic exercises. This will help to work those stretched stomach muscles. Lie down flat on your back and make sure your knees are bent. Tilt your pelvis backward while you tighten your abs. Exhale. Bring your belly button to your backbone by inhaling as much as you can. Push your lower back onto the floor. Hold for five seconds, inhale, and relax. Repeat this exercise.
Strengthen your abs by doing core exercises. Core exercises train the stomach muscles. Sit-ups, crunches and curls are just a few examples of core exercises. They are easy and can be done in your bedroom or living room. These exercises work your abdominal muscles and help to get rid of the excess fat in your pelvic area.
Swimming three times a week for an hour helps to reduce fat around the belly area. Check out swimming classes at your local recreation center. An instructor-led class may help you get the proper training and achieve the weight loss around your belly that you are looking for.
Medicine-ball crunches are another great way to strengthen your abs and lose belly fat. Lie on the ball with your feet planted firmly on the floor. Most of your back and spine should be resting on the ball. Place your hands behind your head and slowly curl forward, working your ab muscles. You should curl forward only about halfway. You don't want to lose your balance on the ball. Repeat this exercise a few times on a consistent basis. You should be able to feel your ab muscles tightening.