Healthy Dieting After Pregnancy
Immediately After the Baby is Born
Many mothers are surprised and understandably disappointed at how little weight they lose after the baby is born. The desire to crash diet is strong, but avoid this pitfall.
Your body has just been through major trauma no matter if you delivered surgically or not. Wait at least six weeks before jumping into a strict diet and exercise plan to allow your body to adjust and heal.
For mothers who decide to nurse their babies, they will need the same amount of calories as in pregnancy to sustain enough nutrients to nurse their babies. The upside of nursing is that it burns a considerable amount of calories so moms who breastfeed can take heart knowing the additional calories they consume is burned during the baby's feeding times.
Keep in mind if you literally "ate for two" during pregnancy you can reduce your calories or change the way you've been eating. Moms who pack on the pounds during pregnancy thanks to midnight ice cream runs and going for that extra helping of pasta can revise how they ate immediately, which will instantly kick start weight loss. Replace ice cream with low fat yogurt and double pasta servings with double vegetables.
When the Doctor OKs Weight Loss
Even once your doctor is on board with a weight loss program you still need to keep in mind that you are now in charge of a small person, so you need to maintain your strength. At the very least, you must eat 1,200 calories per day, preferably 1,800 to maintain steady, healthy weight loss.
For new busy moms, calculating calories and reading diet books isn't going to be in the cards, so use logic to diet. Choose fruits and vegetables for snacks and try to incorporate them into every meal. Select lean meats for dinner and use oil and fats sparingly.
One easy way to stay on track, especially when you are sleep deprived and up to your eyeballs in diapers, is to purchase low calorie frozen dinners for lunch and dinner. These dinners have approximately 300 to 500 calories per dinner and are easy to prepare.
Buy a big bag of apples to have on hand and grab one of those or some string cheese or low fat yogurt for a snack.
And don't forget about your water. Especially if you are nursing you will need to drink water as if you are training for a marathon. Water re-hydrates the body and skin and helps you to burn calories while staying as alert as possible.
Beyond The First Few Months
Initially you will see encouraging weight loss if you follow a healthy eating pattern, however you can gain that weight back if you fall into old pregnancy habits.
Incorporate a fitness regimen into your daily schedule by taking the baby for daily walks or jogs in the jogging stroller. Grab a fitness DVD to do while the baby is taking a nap, or run on the treadmill. Exercise will firm any loose skin from your stretching pregnant belly and help keep you calm during these exciting and sometimes confusing times.
Continue eating healthy foods and integrate it into your life as a lifestyle instead of a diet. Banish potato chips and cookies so that you continue to have a fighting chance to keep the weight at bay and to give your child a great nutritional start when he is ready to eat solid foods.