Postpartum Weight-Loss Diet
Mothers who nurse their babies will burn more calories and find that losing weight is easier. But remember to eat enough calories and healthy foods to produce enough milk for your baby. For most mothers, breastfeeding will burn from 200 to 500 calories a day.
A doctor can prescribe a list of healthy foods for optimum milk production. But in general, you should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water.
Breastfeeding does not always signal weight loss. Some will find that the weight drops once the breastfeeding has stopped.
Exercise not only aids in postpartum weight loss, it also helps alleviate postpartum depression. But an exercise program should not be started until after your six-week checkup and your physician has given the all-clear. And if you had a Caesarean section, exercise may be delayed for eight to 10 weeks due to the longer healing process required for surgery.
Start slowly with an exercise program. Walking is a good low-impact activity that is easy to do with the baby. Don't over-exert; it is best to gradually increase the time you spend walking and the speed at which you do so. As your fitness level improves, you can add aerobics, biking and swimming to your regimen.
Videos showing yoga and Pilates exercises you can do at home make it easy for you to be near the baby but still get back in shape. You may, however, have to break the exercise routine into 10-minute sections so you can catch your breath and tend to your infant's needs.
Kegel exercises will help strengthen the pelvic wall, which was stretched during childbirth. You may notice some urine leaks after childbirth, and these squeezing exercises will help with that. In fact, pretend you are stopping the flow of urine to work this muscle.
If you are breastfeeding, dieting postpartum is not recommended. Focus on eating healthy foods and dropping 500 calories from the maximum calories allowed for your weight and size. Don't restrict yourself too much, as this may lead to postpartum depression and irritability.
A healthy diet consists of eating the daily requirement of five to seven fruit and vegetable servings a day. Always eat a healthy breakfast and drink plenty of water. The rule of thumb for water is eight 8-ounce glasses per day.