How to Lose the Baby Fat
Things You'll Need
- Pedometer
Drink water throughout the day. You should try to drink between 8 and 12 glasses of water spaced as evenly as possible throughout the day. The water will do several things to help you lose the baby fat. By drinking water you will avoid other drinks such as sodas that will increase fat. Also, by keeping yourself hydrated, you can flush out toxins and fats from your body.
Breastfeed to lose baby fat. The process of breastfeeding can help to reduce your baby fat stores. In addition, it also burns on average 200 to 500 calories per day.
Eat healthy snacks instead of high sugar foods. It is easy to grab a cookie or donut, but you will not lose the baby fat that way. Keep fresh fruit around to munch on. It is tasty and highly nutritious. You can also purchase 100 calorie snacks from the supermarket that are healthy.
Consume whole grain foods whenever possible. This should be practiced regardless of whether you are trying to lose baby fat. Whole grain rice, bread and pastas can help you to lose the baby fat by making your digestive system work a little harder. Also, and more importantly, eating whole grains can guard against cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes.
Ease into light exercise and you will soon see the baby fat come off. Once you are feeling better and have your energy back, you can begin to exercise. Stick to taking walks early on. You can use a pedometer to track your steps and gauge your progress as you get into better shape.