How to Lose Love Handles in 1 Month
Give yourself visual motivation as a start. Cut out photos of the reason you want to shed the pounds and post on your bathroom door. Remind yourself daily that you're working hard to go on a vacation, get into an outfit or have healthier readings at your next doctor's appointment.
Choose a plan that works with your schedule. Allow yourself at least three days a week to work out. Create a weekly grocery list and meal plan. Write out a list of healthy food items you like to help make decisions about what you can eat before you get hungry. Focus on changing bad habits immediately.
Pay careful attention to your calorie and fat intake. Rid your home of any unhealthy snacks like potato chips, sugary cookies and ice cream. Replace three things in your daily diet with an even healthier substitute. Choose lean meats, vegetables and brown pasta or rice over fattier alternatives. Make these substitutes each week so by the end of your 30 days, you will have a diet dominated by healthy foods.
Commit to a dedicated fitness plan. Plan a regimen that includes increased activities over the weeks. Start with three to four days worth of 45-minute cardio sessions such a jogging, taking an aerobics class or swimming. Increase your workouts in intensity and frequency as the weeks pass. Add core workouts to your cardio schedule such as performing oblique abdomen crunches and side bends. Use kick boxing moves such as cross-over punches to burn fat directly in your mid-section. Build your workout routine to several rounds of boot camp inspired workouts such as jumping jacks, mountain climbers, push-ups and planks.
Maintain a consistent schedule from start to finish. Weigh and measure yourself weekly to monitor your progress. Pick up where you left off if you miss a day's workout or eat poorly. Keep glancing at your motivating photo posted to avoid backsliding into old habits. Look at yourself in the mirror often to notice the subtle changes. Never give up even if you don't see major changes each week.